8 Requirements For A Healthy Relationship

8 Requirements for a healthy relationship

Without a doubt, relationships are fundamental to our lives. However, and for this very reason,  the personal bonds we establish can affect us to unsuspected limits, when they are not developed in a healthy way. As a result, a “faulty” or unhealthy relationship will bring damage that is very difficult to heal. Read on if you want to know what attitudes members of a healthy couple practice.

How to know if you have a healthy relationship

Even if it’s painful, you need to avoid relationships that aren’t healthy. Now you ask yourself: how will I know how healthy my relationship is? Pay attention to certain requirements that a relationship must meet to be considered “healthy”.

1. One trusts the other

Within a healthy relationship, excuses are not necessary, least of all lies and evidence… without a doubt, good relationships are based on trust. Both feel secure in the bond they have built and know that, if necessary, they will be able to dialogue openly and seek a way to solve the problem in question, always being sincere.

2. Don’t go too fast

They say good things are to be expected. This principle also applies to a couple. In a relationship, you should live in the present and enjoy it to the full, without worrying so much about the future of it. If you both trust each other, what need is there to speed up the pace? The mutual commitment will take place in a neutral way, not because a certain period of time has passed.

3. Make someone better

The relationship doesn’t restrict us, it doesn’t hold us back, it doesn’t bring out the worst of either of us. On the contrary, the relationship takes the best “I” out of each other, makes challenges much easier and feeds them with so much energy that they feel they can “embrace the world”.

4. They accept each other as they are

If they trust each other, there shouldn’t be anything they can’t talk about. Both show themselves as they are, without fear, and so they are accepted. As a result, they will never hesitate to say what they feel, to thank and accept the mistakes made whenever necessary.

5. Support each other

There is no one side of the scale supporting the full weight, nor is either side absent from the other. One blow can wipe out one person, but it can’t wipe out two if the other is there to support.

6. Both have personal space

Spending time together is important, but sometimes a person wants to be alone and there is nothing wrong with that, as we all need time to explore and express ourselves as the individual beings that we are. Healthy couples recognize and respect this right. No one should allow themselves to be “annulled” by others.

7. Don’t get bothered by past mistakes

People who live in healthy relationships try to avoid disapproval and resentment. They understand that mistakes are nothing more than opportunities to learn and not fall back on them. In other words, if we know how to take advantage of our mistakes, they will not destroy the couple. On the contrary, they will make the relationship more robust and immune to future challenges.

8. Appreciate the little moments

Not just going to an expensive restaurant or planning a big party for every birthday are brilliant plans; that either does, but they don’t necessarily imply a real connection between the two. The real challenge of a relationship is to make each moment shared, each accomplice look and each smile special and memorable, all unique and incapable of being repeated.

A relationship that gets stronger every day

Without a doubt, a healthy bond will strengthen over time, as it brings together all – or at least several – of the requirements mentioned above.

A couple who love each other and are well consolidated will be able to withstand the different tests that life presents to them and emerge victorious,  as if they were a tree, with a strong trunk, which will be able to face the most terrible storms. Will you tremble at some point? Of course, this is natural. However, once the storm has passed, it will remain there…firm and well planted in the ground, as its roots are powerful.

Image courtesy of Masson

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