Toxic Thoughts Versus Thoughts That Heal

Toxic Thoughts Versus Healing Thoughts

Right now, as I write this article, I have the option of seeing my work succeed, or go down the drain. If I choose the last option, the most possible thing is for me to drown… This drowning represents the negative thoughts that haunt us so much. It’s a matter of free will, as simple as that…

Obviously, it’s not always possible to have a smile that goes from one ear to the other, and still have colorful, positive thoughts. However, keep away those thoughts that feed frustration, fear, anger, sadness and hopelessness, and try to tune in to the thoughts that feed hope, joy, confidence, optimism and well-being, definitely makes life more beautiful.

Tell me what you think and I’ll tell you who you are

Since childhood we are conditioned to perceive reality in a certain way. Our parents, school, friends and the media influence us with their way of looking at life, whether for good or for bad. This is similar, in some ways, to a computer program installed on your hard drive and starting to run automatically… unless you reprogram it.

Fortunately, in recent years, science has discovered that our brains are highly moldable, a property called Neuroplasticity, whereby the brain is able to generate new neural circuits and thus constantly renew and regenerate itself.

This means that our thoughts are renewable resources and that, regardless of whether we grew up thinking, for example, that we are not worthy of love, or that we cannot fulfill our dreams, the good news is that this is perfectly reversible… and very necessary.

erase and start again

The first thing we must do is be aware that we have a program working mechanically in our brain and identify those toxic thoughts that don’t help us at all.

Make a list of all the unfriendly ideas  in the most different areas of your life: individual, professional, intellectual, financial, couple, social, in your health, etc. This will give you the power to control these poisonous thoughts, as by becoming aware you will be able to face them when they appear; rather than simply being part of a differentiated area within yourself.

Then set the stage for new, vibrant thoughts through meditation and relaxation. These resources calm the mind and allow us to connect with the voice of our original being, with our intuition and with our heart, from which emanate only thoughts that promote well-being. There are different forms and traditions of meditation from which we can choose, which use different activities such as breathing, silence and music to silence and erase the thoughts that are bad for us and thus give new life to our mind.

Dare to see yourself and circumstances differently.

Encourage yourself to rewrite your own history, to change the direction you’ve been living. Limits don’t exist beyond your mind. The possibilities are endless…

Keeping in tune with positive thinking

To avoid falling back into old toxic thought patterns, there are several steps we can take:

  • Dedicate regular time to meditation, relaxation and/or breathing exercises at least once a week;
  • Exercise, as this shifts the focus from the mind to the body as well as oxygenating the brain;
  • Avoid toxic relationships, surround yourself with constructive, generous and empathetic people;
  • To be the “light” for negative people, to treat them kindly and with patience, because kindness radiates and is contagious;
  • Keeping in touch with nature, as its serenity and vital energy detoxify and remind us of the beauty of our inner nature.


We must remember that our real essence is above our thoughts, that they come and go because they are temporal in nature and change a lot. So we shouldn’t expect too much from them; the best thing is to be well tuned to our heart and our intuition, which are sources of true wisdom.

Image credits: Nastassia Davis

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