7 Sentences To Overcome Everyday Sadness

7 sentences to overcome everyday sadness

The phrases for overcoming sadness remind us that although there are gray days on our calendar, it is imperative to see the positive side of life. In the end, when you reach the bottom there is no other option but to get up, rise from the ashes and make the seeds of a valuable learning out of sadness…

We know it’s not easy. There is often someone who tries to encourage us with the classic expressions of motivation and self-improvement, the same ones we share on our social networks to provide support. We know that a phrase, by itself, does not heal or light the way out of our personal tunnels of frustration or suffering.

However, they achieve something valuable: they force us to reflect. In this complex work, which is, without a doubt, to understand and untangle our emotions and problems, both the books and the legacies of little wisdom contained in the sentences of relevant authors are windows that help us to wake up. They are also bridges to discovering that there are other roads we can take to repair many of our most common problems.

Therefore, we could say without error that the phrases to overcome everyday sadness are useful, practical, and it is worth having them always at hand or, why not, close to the heart.

Mills with butterfly wings

7 sentences to overcome everyday sadness

Let us think for a moment that our mind is like a garden. A large tract of land that is currently somewhat barren and inhabited by weeds, invasive species that take away the beauty of our property. These herbs are the negative thoughts, they are the ones that spread quickly in our garden, in our mind.

In order to have a healthy and flowery garden, we must be able to pull out the weeds first (negative thoughts, obsessive thoughts, etc.) and then nourish the soil well, add water, fertilizer and seeds that will grow new flowers.

The seeds we plant can be, without a doubt, many of these phrases. Quotes, statements and advice to plant in our minds to allow us to reflect, generate change, open doors where we used to see only walls… Let’s take them as gifts of wisdom and make good use of them.

1- Move, generate changes

In our space, we’ve already talked about Wayne Dyer’s psychological and spiritual legacy. Thanks to him, millions of people have been able to create valuable personal growth strategies to understand, for example, many of their limiting attitudes, the wrong areas that we manage poorly and that prevent us from moving forward.

When such moments arise, those inhabited by sadness or despondency, we cannot and must not be paralyzed. We must not “fight” in front of our fears or our problems, we must understand them, tear them down, make them small, and then learn from them and move forward.

2- Let nothing and no one spoil your day

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a 19th-century American writer, philosopher, and poet. His works and his vision of the human being contributed to the development of what we know today as “new thinking”. So, it must be said that phrases like this are common in his intellectual legacy to overcome daily sadness.

One of his teachings is simple, useful and straightforward: why should we waste what each day can offer us? The here and now will not be repeated. So, remember, nothing and no one has the right to spoil our chance to be happy. Let’s take those dark clouds that haunt our minds and enjoy our days.

woman watching butterflies

3- Don’t get caught up in negativity

If there is anything enriching, it is to read the great classics, such as Chekhov or Dostoevsky. We always feel identified with these stories and these human profiles, and this sentence is an excellent example of that.

We cannot deny that people love to talk about the negative, about problems. In fact, we rarely go a day without hearing criticism or someone telling us how much they hate something. Therefore, it would be convenient to filter out all this kind of dynamic so that our health improves in every way.

Let’s try to change the channel, change direction. What if we put joy in fashion? What if we become more obsessed with talking about positive things?

4- Open your eyes, trust

This is one of the best known phrases to overcome sadness and offer encouragement and hope, one of the most shared in our daily lives. The reflection it leaves us with is almost obligatory: when we think that we have reached the bottom and that there is no way out, in reality, perhaps not a door will open in front of us, but a whole universe. You just need to know how to see it.

5- If you fall 10 times, get up 11

People fail, people fall and hit the bottom. However, we don’t do this once, we sometimes stumble over the same rock 20 times. Is this a reason to give up? In fact, in this life only the stubborn survive,  and far from understanding a mistake as an end or a fall as an irreparable loss, we should see it as a lesson to be learned to try to do better next time.

Explore the seas of self-love

6- We are here to grow

This is a phrase from the Talmud, as beautiful as it is useful for our daily lives. Everything that inhabits and is contained in this world really has only one purpose: to grow. However, sometimes we lose sight of this principle and just sit still, stagnant with fear, paralyzed by this sadness that rusts and rips out our wings.

Let’s avoid this, let’s be free, let’s bet on movement, for life and for the changes that bring us closer to happiness.

7- Instead of (worrying)… get busy!

This is, without a doubt, one of the most ingenious and useful phrases for overcoming sadness and daily worry. Why? We must assume that most of us do, we get carried away by the comings and goings of certain thoughts obsessively. In this way, fears, disappointments and failures often behave like waves, hitting us, knocking us down.

Worrying will get you nowhere, but “worrying” about what robs you of your calm will. Let’s make use of action, and our daily fears and pain will disappear. To conclude, we know that there are many phrases to overcome sadness; however, these are a little treasure that we can use like mental vitamins, like aspirins for discouragement. It’s really worth keeping them handy.

girl holding branches of flowers

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