There’s Something Good About What You’ve Been Through, No Matter If The Memory Is Bitter, Bucolic Or Longing

There's something good in what you've been through, no matter if the memory is bitter, bucolic, or nostalgic

I realize that the past is a state that exists while it is not the present. Confused? Explain! You lived, it happened, it was yesterday, it passed. And then today, you stumble into the past and everything that happened comes back to the surface, as if there wasn’t that gap of time and events that separates the past from the present. Periods turn into commas, into ellipses, and you realize that some things will be as they always were, no matter what. The past (when

Maybe go back to the beginning of this past and have the opportunity to do differently, to change the things that today, with a new mentality, you would be able to successfully and masterfully lead? Maybe stay there, eternalize that moment, so that I never had to refer to it as the past, with that aching longing for something that was so good, but so good, that it should never have ended? Maybe not change anything, not get caught up in the moment, just live it more intensely?

run away from what happened

Or go back to seconds before the past happened, change things, not allow it to be a past, not allow it to be a present memory, not allow it to be? I suppose these possibilities inspired the creators of Back to the Future. But reality far surpasses fiction. The reality sometimes resembles a boldo, bitter and curative tea. Sometimes a sweet cider, which comes sweet and at the end leaves a bitter and citrus taste in the mouth. And sometimes it’s pure honey.

Reality does not allow us to modify the past, it allows us to build the future, but without guarantees. The steps we take today, sometimes planned, sometimes impulsive, don’t know exactly where they are going. They are guided by the hope that when they reach the future, they will produce a past that awakens in us the nostalgia of having lived long enough, not in terms of life, but in the quality that we give to our existence.

How many I love you will we still say… How many calls will we make, how many letters will we still write! Emails to reply, posts to thank, comment, SMS to send. How many places we haven’t visited yet, how many people we don’t know as well as we’d like. How many memories will still be built to form the persistent past…

How many requests for forgiveness are yet to be made… How many requests for forgiveness should we, for blaming ourselves, charging ourselves and not living, because we are stuck in a pain that brings us right here, in the present, to remember the past and block out happiness and intensity that can be part of our reality, our future?

Keeping memories of what happened

There is something good in what is past, no matter if the memory is bitter, bucolic or longing, there is always something good in the past. There is the person we are today, different from the second ago. There is the gaze lost in the landscape, which reminds us of a whole that brought us to where we are now. In this moment of contemplation, the past returns and no longer exists, it becomes present.

We all have a past… Our history, our baggage… We all make this past minutes of a present relived in memories. And that it be brief and that it does not become a permanent gift, but that it remains in the post of memory, because it has passed and what has passed… is no longer.

The past is reborn every time we allow it to invade us. May this permission be brief, so as not to hide the grace of today, to make us toast life and the moment, curiously called… Present!

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