12 Needs That Cause Emptiness In Our Soul

12 needs that cause emptiness in our souls

Every day we feel needs that produce anxiety, discomfort and make us feel like children. We feel empty in the soul when we stop being important, when we are not given the reason, or when we feel victims of what happens in our life.

Let’s analyze each of these needs, which according to the psychologist and writer BernabĂ© Tierno, are the cause of emptiness in our soul, and can lead to anxiety and stress if not properly controlled.

The needs that cause voids

The need to be important at any price

The need to be important is the result of a lack of self-esteem.  An irrepressible desire to be important to make up for the emptiness we feel in our soul is born, when in fact what happens is that we don’t love each other enough.

Anyone who feels this need will try to be liked by everyone and will not hesitate to lie to achieve this.  A person who needs to be important will decorate your life so that everyone will adore her, and to get her moment of glory. However, a moderate desire to be taken into account is normal and healthy, the problem occurs when this desire becomes uncontrollable.

The need to always be right

It is the wish that everyone always agrees with what we say or think. People who suffer from this need fervently argue when someone doesn’t give them reason, because if they aren’t right or we don’t, they feel naked and unprotected.

The need to love and be loved

give-and-receive love

There is no doubting the need for love as the force of life, as a spontaneous and pure feeling that arises without our realizing it. The emotional component of love makes it appear or disappear even without being aware of it.

It doesn’t make sense for someone to forbid love or demand to be loved, because love is not controlled, it just arises.  A person who feels the need to love and be loved is usually a person who doesn’t love himself.

the need to vent anger

Anger and indignation in certain situations are human. We’ve all been upset at some point in our lives, or we’ve felt an indignation at some injustice. But anger is not justified when we use it to cover up our mistakes or misdeeds. In this case, indignation or anger no longer has a noble purpose, but only serves to fuel our ego.

The need to worry about everything

There are very negative people, who only see the bad, seem to only see the misfortunes and are never able to say anything positive. These are people who spread worry and still argue that we never worry enough.  You can’t argue with someone who thinks that way, as it’s the same as talking to a wall, and you can still get infected with their negativity.

The need to blame others

Children, when they make a mistake, sometimes try to blame another child, but such behavior should be avoided, praising the courage and honesty of the one who tells the truth, despite the consequences. It is important to learn that even though the behavior had been bad, it is noble to acknowledge the wrong and repent.

The need to feel superior to others

Love for ourselves is healthy and normal, it should mature with age, and it will be accompanied by empathy and concern for others. But when this love is unrestrained, we become selfish and proud beings who only seek their own satisfaction.

The need to feel victimized and seek compassion

The real victims feel indignant with a real aggressor, with first and last names, and they never want to be in the spotlight, on the contrary, they feel shame and fear for the situation. But there are people who have never suffered any ill-treatment and play the role of victims in order to become the center of attention.

Sad woman-

The need for others to take responsibility

There are active people who work, take responsibility and achieve goals; and there are passive people who don’t know or don’t dispute, aren’t there for anyone, and don’t want to take any responsibility. This is due to the fear that these passive people have to show themselves as they are, because they actually feel inferior.

The need to find faults

People who relentlessly search for the faults of others, who do not stop looking for them and throwing them in their face, paradoxically, cannot stand a single criticism. The hypercritical is incapable of accepting his faults and, therefore, he dedicates himself to criticizing others, instead of criticizing himself.

the need to have things

The need to have many things, to buy things we don’t need, is produced by our desire to cover our empty soul with all these material goods. Paradoxically, the greater the need to accumulate things, the greater our emptiness.  In this case, it is necessary to be aware of our mistakes, and we must seek the riches in our intellect, in our spirit and in our feelings.

girl surrounded by butterflies

The need for everything to be perfect and wonderful

This need is perhaps the most dangerous of all, because it directly generates anxiety, stress, low self-esteem… A perfectionist relentlessly seeks success and nothing seems to be enough. Dissatisfaction produces stress and exhaustion.  To avoid this behavior it is essential to be aware of who we are, and to assess our shortcomings and our strengths.

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