If In Solitude You Feel Lonely, Then You Are In Bad Company

If in solitude you feel lonely then you are in bad company

Lately I feel a little lonely, even having around people that anyone would like to have by their side. I feel lonely and I can’t quite understand why. On the other hand, when I’m in my room and there’s no one to cover my own noise, it’s also when I feel the most loneliness.

I know this makes me in bad company. I feel lonely being alone and it’s terrible: I don’t want to hear what I have to say and I feel like I’m the saddest person in the world. In addition, the panic I feel about the silence is so deep that I constantly avoid it, because in it I find myself unprotected and vulnerable.

A lot of people have gone through this and maybe you are going through it now. It’s normal and you don’t need to be ashamed of it: it’s so easy to be filled with emptiness and we’re all terrified of the possibility of it hitting us.

Loneliness is not always bad

Often, when we see the shadow of loneliness appear, we try to disguise it so that the holes don’t appear. Or withdraws into full melancholy. In this state, only pain is received and we forget, a little or a lot, who we really are.

The indispensable first step in combating this discomfort, so terrifying, so strange and that prevents us from enjoying what we have, is to face it and accept it. Yes, it is necessary to name what we are always going through, so it is possible to give it a place and act on it when it is a burden and not a help.

Loneliness doesn’t have to be bad. Convince yourself of this statement is the following movement: recognizing that impotence is just a mirroring of a heart that needs a will. That is, being alone can become a great opportunity: walking, traveling, reading, meditating… Perhaps it is the bravest way to discover yourself and start liking yourself, because we cannot expect others to wrap us up when we don’t is able to shelter itself.

In solitude we discover that we are not alone

Loneliness can be the most desired embrace and it is within everyone’s reach. Moments of silence can be frightening, but they also purify, soothe and comfort. The loneliness that brings happiness is the one that finds and welcomes to make us our best company.

We are never alone if we don’t want to. We are born to relate to others and, therefore, to have a life with those with whom we are emotionally closest. However, isn’t it true that the closest person I have is myself? Why do I try to deny this?

There is a certainty in all this. It’s that, at birth, we already have a beating heart that cannot deny being with ourselves. Why not make things easier? Why not take the opportunity to enjoy life? The best way to endure loneliness is to receive it to strengthen the bond we have with our own essence.

I want to be alone with someone who also wants to be

We are not alone whenever we can scream that there is still something that identifies us, that shows us that it is worth fighting for. Not only do we have ourselves, it turns out that even if the feeling blinds us, we know there are people around who are worth the surrender.

You may think there is your family, your wife, your husband, your children, and even friends, but you feel lonely. We are in a society that increasingly communicates using technology and that requires more time for work and less for personal relationships. However, that doesn’t mean that they don’t like us, that they aren’t there.

creative works

In this case, maybe your dependency is collaborating with loneliness to make you feel like this: maybe it’s good to look for freedom, space, hobbies, etc. where you feel full.

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