7 Things I Learned From My Worst Mistake

7 things I learned from my worst mistake

The storms and jolts of life happen for a reason, so you don’t go back to being the same person you were before they happened.

When we go through unpleasant things, we want our previous emotional state, we suffer a lot because we think “why with me” and think that we have lost part of our essence and even innocence in the world. We feel weird, confused, we ca n’t understand the therapeutic value that pain can have.

Due to the hard knocks of life, two things can happen: either you sink down, or you are reborn as a better person than before.  It doesn’t matter what your mystical beliefs are or whether you believe in karma or not. We are talking about something much more pragmatic and unquestionable: experiences change us.


Only events that happen to the body or that pass through the mind with intensity will make a person question things that he would never have thought of before. This refers to the usual, when things happen to a friend or neighbor we see them clearly, but when they happen to us, then it really hurts.

We are always told phrases like “The important thing is not to fall, but to get up” or “You can’t see, you need to learn from this” . Difficulties are the basis of many evolutions and changes that we experience.

I wish we could figure it all out without getting “knocked” but there is no instruction manual for life. And even if you think you have it, you live in a world where things change. The wisest people in life adapt to changes, as they say “the strongest don’t survive, but the one that adapts best to the changes”. And change is always preceded by trial and error, confusion and learning.

I learned more from my mistakes than from my “rights”

Think of a mistake you’ve made in your life. We talk about mistakes within what is humanly understandable, mistakes that are crimes and crimes are not the subject of this article, although even in these cases it is necessary to understand the circumstances and nuances of each situation.

But, taking the mistakes we’ve made in our lives as perspective, choose the “worst” for you. Have you ever thought about the value of learning from this mistake? Have you ever thought about what you got rid of or what you gained in your value system thanks to it?

Don’t worry, let’s make this reading happy if you’ve never stopped to think about it. Some lessons from the mistakes humans make are more universal than they seem, so let’s run through some of them.

My worst mistake taught me that:

  • Life can surprise me positively as well as negatively: You have to be prepared for the setbacks that may come, and there’s nothing better than being able to withstand them independently.
  • Not all the emotional support you are offered is valid. Only quality matters, not quantity: Believing that we are protected in a difficult situation or an emotional blow is just that, a belief. It is important to be cautious and not seek social support of any kind, but the kind that will be helpful to you.
  • It’s in bad times that we really get to know each other, as well as other people: They say you don’t know someone until you live with them, but going through an economic, social or emotional hardship can also be very revealing.
  • Living the indifference of some will make you thrill to the loyalty, sensitivity and passion of others: It’s amazing how we tend to underestimate some people around us. Only when difficult times come can we appreciate its grandeur. Sincere people don’t value themselves for the time they spend with you, but for the moments when their sincerity and kindness shines through.
  • Everything passes, everything changes, nothing is permanent: a pain or a disappointment, however bad it may seem, with time it softens, softens and dissipates. When you act with principles, they will always become more firm for your future.
  • Mistakes are overcome, but disappointments are irreversible: Mistakes are overcome and you learn from them. You can forget about the people who let you down but never what they made you feel, so maybe this was the best way to end something that wasn’t true.
  • Thanks to everything I’ve learned, I’m a better person today:  No less sensitive, no less innocent, no more cool. I’m simply a person with the clearest things, more self-sufficient and able to not listen to what I don’t care about and enjoy what I love.

The bittersweet taste of my mistake prepared me for other tumbles

It is inevitable that we all make mistakes again, several times in our lives, even though we think we have everything under control. Error is a fundamental part of our growth and evolution.

But if we learn from our mistakes, next time we’ll fall with shock absorbers and we’ll be able to rise more quickly. Because if in life you don’t make mistakes or don’t happen to you from time to time, it’s because you’re living a very limited life.

Image courtesy of Elena Lishanskaya, Lucy Campbell.

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