6 Tips To Stop Recurring Thoughts

6 tips to stop recurring thoughts

Guy de Maupassant said that “fixed ideas gnaw at the soul with the tenacity of incurable diseases. Once they penetrate it, they devour it, they do not allow them to think about anything, nor to take a liking to anything”. All of us, at some point, have negative thoughts. This becomes an issue when they become fixed. But can we stop the recurring thoughts?

What happens when they appear repetitively, day after day and at all hours? In that case, they take over our mind to the point where they can become dangerous and affect our health. The good news is that it is possible to transform mental dynamics with certain strategies to stop recurring thoughts.

You wake up in the morning and, even before you get up, you already have a negative idea or belief that creates anxiety. As the hours pass, she comes back to her mind several times and her general state is one of nervousness. Well, you are facing what is called a recurrent thought.

What are recurring thoughts?

It is an occasional reflection that, at a given moment, passed through your mind in a fleeting way. The problem happens when we don’t let it go and we keep going around this thought, until it definitely settles in our head, and it can be very uncomfortable and harmful.

Obviously, these are not ideas that bring us happiness. Otherwise they would always be welcome. The real drawback is that they are always related to phobias, fears, worries, traumas or situations of vulnerability that affect us deeply. They prevent us from concentrating our minds on other topics.

woman with recurring thoughts

In addition to the discomfort it initially causes, it is also exhausting. Spending all day going around the same subject is tiring. In addition, the person becomes increasingly detached from reality, and may even imagine a situation that has nothing to do with it.

This distortion of reality is very  detrimental to emotional well-being. It increases our anxiety and negatively influences mood. The result will be that we will think in the following way in situations that are related:

  • It’s going to go wrong.
  • It’s going to be a disaster.
  • I’m not good.
  • I’m useless.
  • I’m useless.
  • I’m terrible.

And the worst thing is that we believe in all of this. However, it is anxiety that has triggered this way of thinking. So, if you want to put an end to recurring thoughts, then we are going to propose some very interesting tips.

6 tips to stop recurring thoughts

You need to take effective steps to get these thoughts out of your mind for good. So, take note of these simple tips.

don’t try to stop the thoughts

If you try to stop them, not only will it not work, it will be worse as our brains will try harder to remember them. This is a fact that several scientific studies support.

accept and rationalize thoughts

If you accept that anxiety is playing tricks on you and producing this kind of thinking, you will see how you will begin to relax and how the occurrence of thoughts will decrease.

write the thoughts

When writing down your thoughts, in addition to letting off steam and relaxing, the brain interprets that we keep them and, therefore, will make no effort to remember them constantly. Also, if you read what you have written later, you will see that these are not very rational thoughts.

person writing

practice sports and meditation

With sport, cortisol and adrenaline levels are reduced and are replaced by dopamine, endorphins and serotonin. That is, we replace anxiety, stress and sadness with relaxation, joy and self-esteem. This will help us put aside recurring thoughts for a while.

Also, meditation is a great help in learning to control the mind and bring attention to the present moment. Above all, it relaxes a lot.

let the thought go

When thoughts come, don’t obsess with them, don’t try to eliminate them. Just accept that they are there. Try to relax, and as you do, you will find your attention shifting elsewhere and the recurring idea will drift out of your mind.

Take B-complex vitamins

These vitamins directly interfere with the proper functioning of the nervous system. Eating vegetables, fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products will do you good.

As you can see, there are several tips that can help stop recurring thoughts. However, there is a prerequisite for you to succeed: willingness to apply these tips in your daily life.

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