The Lack Of Internal Communication In Companies

The lack of internal communication in companies

The digital age we live in has brought with it a great deal of advantages and advancements, but it has also brought a series of difficulties of its own that need to be overcome if we want our business to function properly. One of the most important is the lack of internal communication within companies.

Internal communication is the process by which the different components of a company transmit information between them. Through this process, people who tend to collaborate to carry out different tasks are able to coordinate and create a situation of synergy.

However, on some occasions, relationships within companies suffer from a lack of internal communication, limiting both the company’s results and the well-being of employees. In this article, we will study the causes of this phenomenon so that it can be avoided in your work.

Why is there a lack of internal communication in companies?

Internal communication is a process that must take place at different levels of a company so that its flow gives the best results. Some of the most important types of communication that need to be reproduced are as follows:

  • Communication for decision making. Those responsible for the company need to know exactly what their employees are doing, so that they can know all the information necessary to make the appropriate decisions. This applies to both company directors and intermediate positions.
  • Coordination between departments. Due to the fact that different departments are interrelated in large companies, communication between them is essential. Those responsible for each of the sectors must know what the others are doing in order to carry out their work effectively.
  • Team operation. In a smaller space, the members of a team must have all the information: both about their project and about what the company is doing in general. In this way, the engagement at work and the effectiveness of the workers becomes a whole.
people in work meeting

However, sometimes these three types of communication do not occur or do not flow properly. It may be that those responsible for carrying it out decide to transmit the information through very brief messages or using inappropriate means, such as social networks. It may also be the case that there is no direct communication channel between the different members of the company.

On the other hand, sometimes there is a desire for communication between different parts of a company, but they simply do not have the social skills necessary to develop it correctly. Sometimes people need to learn to develop their communication skills before they can use them effectively.

In all cases, a problem of lack of internal communication within the company will be created. This will cause both results and employee well-being to deteriorate; and, therefore, every company should improve its internal communication if it detects that there is a problem with it.

But is this something that has no solution? Or, is there any way for companies to improve this aspect?

How to address the lack of internal communication in companies?

Next, we will study the three most important steps that can be used to solve the problems of lack of internal communication in companies.

1- Make the company’s vision and mission clear

All companies are governed by a mission and a series of particular values, which can be implicit or explicit. However, sometimes employees do not know them clearly, which prevents a thorough understanding of the purpose of their work.

Therefore, when employees are able to understand the company’s goals, mission and values, they can communicate more effectively with each other. It will be as if they do it on the same wavelength, sharing a common hierarchy of priorities.

2- Improves relationships between company members

While it is important to separate personal and professional life, the truth is that improving relationships with colleagues and bosses within a company has many benefits. Not only does it increase job satisfaction and the company’s climate, but it helps to make the company’s internal communication clearer.

For this reason, carrying out activities that bring closer ties between the employees of a company can be one of the best investments made for the present and for the future of the company.

Communication in companies

3- Teaches you how to improve social skills

Above, we mentioned that some people don’t communicate more effectively simply because they don’t know how to do it. So, if you notice that this is happening in your company, a good idea is to propose a lecture or workshop on social skills.

In this way, employees will learn to communicate more effectively, which will end up at the root of many of the problems that lead to lack of internal communication.

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