Tough Personalities, Strong Personalities

Tough Personalities, Strong Personalities

“A peasant had a small farm where he performed agricultural tasks and took care of some horses. One day the foreman came to inform him that his best horse had fallen into a well. The man went to that place and tried, in different ways, to get him out of that place. As he failed, he had no choice but to throw dirt in the well to bury his horse. While doing this work, the horse (demonstrating its will to continue living) did not let itself be buried. Instead, he used every shovel of earth so that the well would be shallower so he could get out. Until he got it”.

Are you like the horse that uses the earth to climb out of the pit or, conversely, let yourself be swallowed up by circumstances? If your initial answer was a “ yes ”, know that this is one of the characteristics of strong or resistant personality.

Tough Personalities, Strong Personalities

Those individuals who, despite suffering setbacks and difficulties, have the ability to stay strong, come out to the surface (or the hole) and resist, are characterized by having a resistant personality. It’s like they’re immune to life’s bad luck thanks to their strength.

The difference between a strong personality and others is that it can accept what happens in a different way. It takes strength from where others see weaknesses or weaknesses, and moves on.

According to a psychologist at the University of Chicago, “strong” people (not talking about muscle or build, but mind) have several characteristics in common: they are committed, controlled and guided to what they want. In this way, they can not only enjoy life, but also leave honorable with what fate has prepared for them.

People with strong personalities can also get over daily adversity and setbacks faster, such as the death of a loved one, a divorce, unemployment, or lack of money.

As they used to say, if you have a strong or resistant personality, like the horse in the story, it is because your power of commitment is very great. You strongly believe that you can move forward, that every inconvenience is a lesson to be taken into account for the next time, and that there is no harm that does not come to the good.

This commitment can be put into practice in many aspects, and is reflected not only in times of difficulty, but in all areas of life. It will be easier to solve anything, be practical when making decisions when others need to think very well, and even help others to face what happens to them.

Second, a “resistant” person has a very ingrained self-control in their life. That is, you are motivated by what you can do and give of yourself.

And as a third characteristic, strong people take on challenges, they are not afraid of not fitting in or betting on something uncertain.

Change is welcomed, investments (not just money) are a good way to change a reality they don’t like, and they understand that failures are actually a learning curve.

Do you think you have a strong and resilient personality? In what everyday situations can you assert this? If you haven’t picked up this personality type yet, you just need to cultivate something different. Remember that we can all improve! You just have to set yourself up for it!

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