How To Reprogram The Mind

how to reprogram the mind

If you continue with the same behavior as always, you will not change your existence. It’s that simple. If there’s something you don’t like, change it. People often complain about everything, but they are “comfortable” enough to jump in and act differently. Don’t forget this mantra: “If you really want a different result, do something different.”

It sounds very logical and simple when put into words, but in practice it is not always so. It’s that people are beings of habits, who do it for repetition, for convenience, for not thinking of another option, etc. However, we are also the first to complain or criticize what happens to us. Wouldn’t it be easier to get to work and design our own destiny? You may say that fate is already written, but it is also true that you need to “help your future a little”.

Many years passed for your brain to be programmed as it is today, in addition to several experiences and events. This created your personality, the way you relate to people, the beliefs you pass on to your children, the achievements in your work, etc. The good news is that you can reprogram your mind like you can a computer or cell phone. This “ reset”  serves so that we can face our present and, above all, our future, in a better way, eliminating everything that does us no good or that prevents us from moving forward.

If you want to change something in your life, the first thing you should do is ask yourself what change you want to make. It is not necessary for other people to know this answer. Exercise alone at home, in your room, while taking your bath or even when traveling. The second question is “Why do I want to change?” . Maybe because you’re not happy, because you’re looking for the love that doesn’t come, because you’re trying to graduate or get promoted at work. There may even be no specific reason other than being a better person.

Think about the steps you should take to be able to change your behavior and how long you think you will be able to do so. Be objective and balanced: it is not good for the deadline to be too close or too far away.

Our programming goes back to our childhood, from the first moment of our life. It is conditioned by our parents’ upbringing and the teachings of our masters. While it is true that our personality has a relevant influence, relationships are more than important. If you want to reprogram yourself, as you would with your computer, you need to design this new software or program according to your needs and requirements.

It is proven by medical studies in the area of ​​neuroscience that people “talk” to themselves about 14 hours a day. Of this communication, 90% of the words or language are negative. “I don’t understand anything”, “I can’t do this”, “it’s too difficult”, “I’m too dizzy”, “I’m always too late”, “this is not for me”, are just some of the most frequent phrases that pass through the our mind. If we continue with the computer example, they would be like viruses that go on destroying the system. It’s the same inside you. All you have to do is apply a good antivirus and eliminate all the malware that has taken over one of the most valuable parts of your body, which is the mind.

Your thoughts and beliefs from the past are what create your present and, ultimately, are defining your future. If you don’t consider yourself a leader today, you won’t be tomorrow either. If you believe you won’t find the love of your life on this journey, you won’t find it on the next one either. All this for not reprogramming the brain properly. You need to modify your ideas to achieve your goals.

Since your mind has a tendency to “talk”, start repeating positive affirmations when you realize that this conversation is going on the negative side. Thus, it will dispel evil, like the clouds in the sky when there is wind.

Three steps to reprogram the mind

1. Repetition: Set  your mind to repeating an affirmation as often as you can. This will trigger more neuronal activity and, as we said before, will eliminate bad ideas. Gradually change the thought patterns that damage the brain.

2. Memories:  the mind will make you forget what you want to change because you will have what is called “resistance to change”. Imagine that, inside your brain, there is a person who controls the programming and who is somewhat reticent to change the habits he has been repeating for years. You must be a strict and disciplined boss so that your “employee” sticks to what he is saying. The problem is, you can’t fire him; must deal with it.

3. Visualization:  Each day, take 5 or 10 minutes to think about your goal. Imagine that you are already living this situation, feel the same way that you will in this moment. Try to add more and more detail to this portrait, until the scene is complete.

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