7 Things My Dog ​​taught Me

Living with a dog can change your life. Having a dog is not only a great responsibility, but also an inexhaustible source of education and well-being. Sharing a lot of my life with animals made me immensely happy and also brought me many benefits. Below, I share with you the 7 things my dog ​​taught me

1- to love unconditionally

My dog ​​taught me the value of commitment and reciprocity. Thanks to my dog ​​I learned the value of loyalty, which is immense.  I knew unconditional love, the one that, no matter what happens, will continue to be love,  “I want you always by my side because with you my life is infinitely better”.

2- Be patient and forgiving

In fact, every day I learn not to be angry. Life is not rosy and my dog ​​knows it; however, he is able to forgive any mistake or any outburst of anger, because there is a much greater bond that binds us together forever.

He understands me and knows the value of having no ulterior motives; my dog ​​always has absolute goodness and purity.

3- Live each moment intensely

He enjoys a simple walk or a game, and enjoys a meal as if it were the first, or the last, of his life. He also has his anxieties and worries, but that makes him enjoy and live intensely. It’s something like the “Canine Carpe Diem”.

In addition, every day he takes time to explore new places and exercise; not a day goes by without doing it, even a little. For the ride, no matter where he goes, he is happy to be with me and knows how to value our time together. There’s nothing that makes me smile more than seeing him happy when we go for a walk.

4- To adore chaos

I love your organized mess. In the chaos of toys and bones between the different rooms of the house, he knows where what he wants is.

There’s no reason to waste time organizing your stuff or setting priorities. He is happy with how much, or how little, he has. He remembers what he has and knows how to appreciate it. If I start picking up his toys and putting them away, he chases me around the house to make sure everything is under control. And the amazing thing is that he can do it.

I would like to be able to live my life in such an organized way without constantly worrying about order.

5- Enjoy life’s little pleasures

Hearing your calm breathing at night gives me an indescribable peace.  Having him close to me makes me feel safe and loved. That’s why I love him so much. Hearing it is as delicious as feeling the sea breeze or listening to birdsong.

6- Communicate with your body

He may not understand what I’m saying, but I know my gestures, or the way I position my body for him, demonstrate my emotional state and what I mean. Many of them have become adept at understanding us and there is nothing we can hide from them. Animals are detectors of our true emotions.

It is very common for those who share their lives with an animal to have the feeling that they really understand what we mean. It’s true, they understand. I don’t know what to say or how to say it, but our ability to communicate and exchange is amazing.  It made me really aware of what I can convey.

7- Feeling unique and irreplaceable

A dog teaches us a hundred things. Give him what he needs and he will follow you through life. But what an animal will really teach you is to love and accept the fact that you are a person worthy of love.

My dog ​​has made me a better person, and I know he will continue to do so everyday. He taught me that I can be loved with great intensity and unconditionally. But he also taught me to have the courage to say I love you every day, and also to say it without words.

Images courtesy of Annette Shaff and Christin Lola.

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