The Best Gift For Kids Is Called Time

The best gift for children is called time.

Time, that is the name of the best gift for children. It is not sold in toy stores or on the internet. You can only find it in yourself, in your disposition and being aware that a story cannot be read in 2 minutes.

Dedicating time to children does not mean giving them a cell phone, tablet or turning on the television to their favorite channel. This is neither politeness nor affection nor affection.

Childhood is one of the most important stages of life in which the fabric of our evolution is woven. Thus, children are immersed in many changes that, sometimes, adults do not even notice and that, therefore, they lose if they are not aware.

The best gift for children is called time.

Slow-parenting, simmering breeding

Educating and sharing “simmering” moments means respecting their rhythms, giving them space to develop, not skipping steps, to grow and evolve without the stress and demand that we create around them.

This educational perspective is based on the Slow philosophy , which expresses the need to favor a calmer pace of life, thus promoting maturity, evolution and the creation of bonds based on the child’s natural progress, without haste.

Thus, it is possible to support the little one in every step, not force their evolutionary steps and offer psychological oxygen to their education, forgetting the marking and impregnating with delight every little learning, every demonstration of affection and every collection of reasons.

The best gift for children is called time.

May your haste not rob you of the magic of childhood

Haste is our worst advisor. She takes care of stealing the most precious moments and the most wonderful details of childhood magic. Now, if you stop to think, maybe you can remedy all of this.

The chores, tidying the house, taking a shower… football at six, birthday at eight, dinner at ten… Every day on the run… What do we want to achieve with this? Are our kids enjoying it? Are we being aware of what we’re missing and what we’re causing them to miss?

Probably not. We need to reflect on whether we offer time to our children, whether we play with them enough and whether we organize their day-to-day activities by reserving moments in which we dedicate ourselves exclusively to them and to us together.

So it’s important:

  • Letting go of the rush from the first hour of the day, waking up our children with affection and offering a peaceful breakfast of love.
  • Enjoy every meal with them without distractions like television or magazines. Play guessing, talk about everyday things and delve into the expression of feelings and emotions.
  • It’s good to keep “secret moments” in which we talk about our stuff with complete sincerity.
  • We can take trips to quiet places, natural landscapes and surroundings that invite us to explore and experience together.
The best gift for children is called time.
  • It’s nice to take a bath once in a while instead of a quick shower.
  • It is essential to let them choose, because sometimes we define their day to day too much and boycott their desires, expectations and decisions.
  • Turning off cell phones and all those electronic devices that, as we all know, steal our attention.
  • From time to time we can throw ourselves anywhere in the house and do absolutely nothing.
  • Look for games that enhance your creativity, your intelligence and your ability to feel.

Don’t let the rush or bad habits that currently exist mark your child’s upbringing. The best gift is not trendy cartoons or the latest Disney dolls. The best gift is to share with them the most precious thing in life that never comes back: time.

Images courtesy of Karin Taylor.

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