8 Early Symptoms Of Diabetes

8 early symptoms of diabetes 

Learn about some of the main early symptoms of diabetes, a chronic disease related to the metabolism of glucose, the basic element that provides energy for the body.

This is an inability of the body to regulate the amount of sugar circulating in the blood. Consequently, blood sugar levels get too high. In fact, if not treated properly, it can damage tissue or cause serious complications.  

Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, is in charge of sugar regulation. Thus, diabetes appears when the body does not produce enough insulin or when it is destabilized and not used effectively.

Therefore, there may be several types of this disease: type 1 diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes.

  • Type 1 diabetes usually manifests itself in the first stages of life abruptly. In most cases, it is related to impaired autoimmune processes in which the pancreas is unable to produce insulin. This type has no cure.
  • Type 2 diabetes usually appears at older ages, usually after 40 years of life, and is usually more frequent than type 1. It arises from a shortage of insulin and a deficient use of this hormone. This type of diabetes is fought with a change in lifestyle related to eating and exercising.
  • Gestational diabetes is diagnosed during pregnancy and happens when the mother’s body is not able to produce enough insulin or does not use it in amounts necessary for the pregnancy. Treatment is usually carried out through diet.

The latest studies estimate that 1 in 11 people in the world suffers from diabetes. For all these reasons, it is important to detect the early symptoms of diabetes. Only in this way will it be possible to avoid serious complications that may require an emergency hospitalization.


8 early symptoms of diabetes

The symptoms you will see below can give you clues to let you know if you are suffering from an onset of diabetes. However, remember that the only way to be completely safe is to consult a health care professional.

Therefore, use the following list for information and see a doctor if you believe you may be developing this disease.

1- Frequent urination

The first of the early symptoms of diabetes to pay attention to is increased urination. This fact is due to excess glucose in the blood. This interferes with the kidney’s ability to concentrate urine. Thus, in its early stages, diabetes causes more fluids to be consumed to quench thirst and, consequently, produces a greater need to urinate.

2- Headquarters

As we mentioned earlier, the need to drink fluids is one of the most common symptoms of diabetes. If you find yourself feeling much more thirsty than usual, be careful not to drink too many sugary drinks. Such drinks contribute an excess of sugar, which can make the problem even worse.

3- Weight change

Weight fluctuations are also among the possible early signs and symptoms of diabetes. When our body loses sugar when urinating, it also loses calories.

At the same time, diabetes completely disrupts the body’s satiety mechanism. For this reason, people who suffer from the disease find themselves eating more than necessary, even if they are already full. Because of this, it is common for weight to increase suddenly.

4- Emotional changes

Glucose spikes in people with diabetes also cause a roller coaster of emotions. When the blood sugar level is high, the mood can be altered. The more insulin spikes the body has, the greater these emotional changes will be.

tired woman with diabetes

5- Tingling in hands and feet

Some of the most uncomfortable symptoms of diabetes are chills, inflammation, tingling, and numbness in the fingers and toes. This malaise arises when excess glucose in the body causes neuropathy. If diabetes is not caught early enough, these sensations can be permanent and become more severe. 

6- Frequent or recurrent infections

Diabetes causes a state of immunosuppression, making affected people susceptible to infections. Therefore, it is common for the initial symptoms of diabetes to be correlated with diseases such as thrush, pneumonia, urinary tract infections and infectious rashes.

7- Gum irritation

Diabetics often notice that their gums are red, swollen and irritated. The longer the inflammation persists, the more the gums will deteriorate. If this problem is not treated, it is possible that it will end up affecting the health of the teeth.

8- Blurred vision

It is one of the most worrisome signs of early diabetes. Vision disorders are closely related to blood glucose. When this element is found in large amounts, the person may develop blurred vision and light sensitivity may be affected.

Fortunately, once blood glucose is stabilized, vision returns to normal in most cases. However, if your blood glucose remains high for long periods of time, it can permanently damage your eyesight. 

In summary, being aware of the early symptoms of diabetes can help you detect and treat this disease in time. So if you think you’re at risk for it, pay attention to your body and how you feel.

If, at any time, several symptoms appear, do not hesitate to seek professional help as soon as possible.

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