7 Interesting Phrases By Terencio

When we read Terencio’s sentences, we have the impression that they were written yesterday. The truth is that they are more than 20 centuries old, but their perspicacity and universality make them maintain their vitality and validity.
7 interesting phrases by Terencio

Terencius’ phrases come from Roman antiquity and still keep their content and scope alive. Publio Terencio Afro was mainly an author of comedies. Not much is known about his life, but the six works he wrote are fully preserved.

It is precisely from these six works that Terencio’s interesting phrases that are quoted to this day were extracted. It’s a kind of miracle that his writings survived the erosion of time. Most of the works of his contemporaries did not have the same fate.

It is also remarkable that Terencio was a simple slave. In fact, his name is the same as the master he served in slavery. The same one who, seeing his incredible qualities, granted him freedom.

This allowed him to dedicate himself to writing and that more than 21 centuries later we continued to talk about him. These are some of Terencio’s most quoted phrases.

7 interesting phrases by Terencio

1. Nothing is alien to us

This is one of Terencio’s most beautiful and profound phrases. It presents several Latin translations, but in all of them the essential meaning is preserved. It speaks precisely of the essence that all human beings share.

By saying that nothing human is foreign to us, he declares that every human being is capable of anything. In both the positive and negative sense, we all have the same potential.

Profile of a woman with an enlightened mind

2. One of Terencio’s phrases about servility

This is a statement that has a streak of bitterness, but also an overwhelming realism. Even more so if we consider that Terentius lived in the Roman imperial era, an environment in which convenience and betrayal were the norm.

Being helpful and pleasing others generates “friends”, in quotes. Thus, we gain the goodwill of others, even if superficially. On the other hand, many people cannot tolerate the truth. This often produces animosity and rejection.

3. Grab a wolf

This is one of those phrases by Terencio that reveal his facet as a comedy author. Furthermore, it is  sarcastic and applicable to many phenomena that occur within the power structure. It’s a metaphor that talks about the problems certain relationships can cause us if we don’t know how to handle them.

The wolf captured by the ears is a representation of having partial control over an aggressor or an attack. In this case, the one who gets trapped is the one who holds the wolf by the ears, because he can’t let him go, but he doesn’t want to have him around either.

4. Nothing in excess

It is a phrase taken from Stoicism and an affirmation of moderation as the ultimate virtue of life. Anything in excess becomes something harmful. It doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative, too much is always bad.

The Stoics rejected nothing, especially no pleasure. However, they emphasized that excess always led to pain and damage. As in Terencio’s phrase, they simply advocated moderation and balance.

5. ‘Good luck’ and the strong

It is also a phrase that has many variants and of which we find different versions. It talks about what we commonly call “luck” and which always seems to accompany those who have the greatest strength.

In fact, it has nothing to do with luck. Spiritual force generates logical chains in which circumstances end up in favor, although initially they appear adverse.

6. The risk

This is a call not to stop being afraid, but to face different situations even if you are afraid. Staying in a safe and risk-free place will only lead to mediocrity.

Therefore, Terêncio emphasizes that, if we are looking for something memorable and grandiose, we need to expose ourselves to risks. It also means being prepared to lose, or not get something, at least in the first place.

man facing rough sea

7. What is imposed and the friendly pact

In this sentence by Terencio, we see a clear pacifist statement. Authority is not imposed by force. And if imposed in this way, it will certainly be a hateful and transitory authority.

The pact, on the other hand, has greater power. It involves the union of wills, with which its effects will be more lasting. Furthermore, the friendly pact reflects the interests and needs of everyone involved, and that is what gives it strength.

Terencio was a dedicated intellectual and a brilliant writer. Its popularity was immense, both in the Ancient and Middle Ages. Hundreds of generations have drank from his texts, and he continues to teach us to this day.

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