7 Habits That Make Us Less Attractive

7 habits that make us less attractive

There are some habits that people adopt in the belief that they will make them more interesting, when in reality they make them less attractive. The curious thing is that many people who try to look more attractive forget some important issues, such as the fact that physical appearance reflects the way we are and how we feel on the inside. No matter what you want to look like, who we really are always comes up, and if there’s anything unpleasant, it’s precisely the lack of authenticity.

On the other hand, when we think about being attractive, we tend to think only outwardly, about appearance, as if this determines our ability to attract others. We forget that our behavior has a big impact on the image we project. Once again, being authentic is much more interesting because it shows who we really are and doesn’t create false expectations.

We must keep in mind that attraction is a manifestation of our personal energy and affects all types of human relationships. People are attracted to positive and optimistic people and repel negative and pessimistic ones. And it cannot be manipulated or hidden for long.

Mistakes that affect your power of attraction

There is no doubt that people love beauty and therefore we like people around us to look good. For some, it’s a way to feel empowered to hang out with people who are attractive or at least who care about their appearance. However, beauty is not just an aesthetic or physical issue.


You may be the most attractive person in the room, the one with the least interest in others, or even the one people are trying to avoid. But in addition to your physical appearance, acquiring any of the following habits can disrupt your life.

  • Turning everything you do into a competition. Competitiveness may be appropriate at certain times, but always comparing ourselves to others and trying to prove that we are better is not necessary. In fact, this is irritating and even rude. No one likes to be with someone who is constantly seeking recognition and who wants to look better than others.
  • Act rudely. It’s obvious that people don’t like naughty people. However, many believe that with their rudeness they stand out from others and do not see any problem in doing so. However, no one likes disrespectful people who seek to be noticed through teasing and belittling others.
  • Act with superiority. A person who looks at the other “from above” and acts with superiority is not attractive at all. However, as in the previous case, this type of person believes that this attitude sets them apart from others. Nobody likes to be with people looking for their place overshadowing and feeling better than others.
  • Complaining constantly. Many people think that by complaining and protesting about everything they attract more attention, but it’s just the opposite. People often try to escape negative environments, complaints and protests.
  • Interrupt others. Interrupting the other is a lack of respect, especially if the conversation is not with you. However, some people think this will give her visibility, an opportunity to show her presence, her intelligence and how much she knows about the subject at hand. But what actually happens is the opposite. Without education, your level of knowledge or your opinion is of no value. In fact, interrupting to complete or give an opinion on a subject will not make you a well-informed person, but an uncomfortable person.
  • Not listening when someone speaks. Communication is one of the most important elements in any relationship. Not listening to the other and continuing to talk is another lack of respect, whether you are talking to a group or with one person. Even worse than not listening is looking “sideways” without paying attention to the person.
  • Create a conflict without need or reason. Some people like to get attention by provoking conflicts, relying on small misunderstandings or reasons that only they see. In this way, they draw more attention and believe it is a good opportunity to show their attractions. However, this person can probably trigger feelings of contempt, and if someone “joins your game”, they will show the worst inside. All out of pride.
illustration woman

How can we look more attractive

Leave these negative habits behind, betting on authenticity and avoiding attitudes that fuel all forms of drama. You don’t have to show yourself important based on negative attitudes, quite the opposite.

When you try to show yourself, you’re in the spotlight and you’ll have less control over the situation. Speak less and listen more, show interest and be generous to others by showing empathy and compassion. That way you will be a much more interesting person.

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