5 Psychological Strategies That Will Help Us Get Up Early

5 Psychological Strategies That Will Help Us Get Up Early

Getting up early can be a huge challenge to our willpower. Whether it’s because a long workday awaits us or because we don’t get enough sleep, the alarm clock suddenly becomes our worst enemy. However, it would not be that difficult if we were to assess what we gain by waking up early without haste and what we get by staying asleep.

Today we’re going to talk about 5 psychological strategies that will help us get up early. The truth is, they work, even if they can be funny. They are secrets to achieve this goal that is a source of suffering for many people.

1. To get up early, the alarm clock better stay away

It has certainly happened that you were once so tired that you accidentally turned off your alarm clock without even being aware of it. Minutes later you woke up startled wondering why the alarm didn’t go off. Yes, it did, but you turned it off without realizing it. That’s why it’s so important to place the alarm clock as far away as possible.

Despite the laziness, there will be no alternative but to get up to stop the unbearable noise that is disturbing you, and also the rest of the neighbors. This way, it will be much easier to start moving and you will not fall into the temptation to continue sleeping, as you will already be up! If combined with a high volume and an alarm that cannot be ignored, it will be much easier to get up.

alarm clock

2. Keep the room tidy, you’ll thank you later

Isn’t it true that if you open your eyes and see your room all messed up, the urge to get up is even less? For this reason it is so important that you organize your room before bed, so it will “invite” you to get up and will also make you sleep more restful during the night. Pay special attention to all those elements that might distract you, like a blinking notebook light or your cell phone notifications sign.

What are we talking about? From the cell phone that can receive a message at two in the morning or from the television that was not programmed to turn off and, consequently, remained on all night. All of this can cause you to go to bed late or wake up several times during the night.

3. Get up early, why not with music?

Getting up and playing your favorite music can be a great way to start your day off right. This will allow you to brush your teeth, shower, eat breakfast and dress in a much more lively way than if you did it in silence. But be careful not to turn the music too loud, or you’ll wake up the neighbors too.

But surely you’re wondering… which song is the best for getting up well? Well, one of the best options is to put on some kind of motivating music that gives you energy, lifts your spirits and makes you feel like you’re going to take over the world.


4. The apps that can help us get up early

Thanks to technology, it is possible to have at your disposal several elements that will help you to continue sleeping. Some of these apps really go a long way towards helping you respect your sleep cycles and thus rest a lot better. But what do you do when the alarm goes off and your body refuses to get out of bed?

There is a very curious app called “Puzzle Alarm Clock” . This app is an alarm clock that won’t stop ringing until you’ve woken up. How does he know this? Because  you will have to solve different problems or riddles before you can completely turn off the alarm. A new, curious and fun way to get up in the morning.

5. Maintain good sleep hygiene

Maintaining good sleep hygiene and waking up more excited, without stalling when you need to wake up, requires a series of steps to be followed that you may be forgetting. One of the steps that you possibly already know is  not to eat heavy foods, as digestion can take a long time, causing insomnia.

It is also not recommended to take anything containing caffeine from six in the afternoon, for this same reason. Also, let’s not forget to try to maintain a certain routine when it comes to bedtime. Also, the time has to be one that allows you to get enough rest: you can’t expect to wake up well at 5am if you went to bed at 2am.

woman-sleeping-by-the-lake's edge

Remember that, playing bass, we should sleep at least 6 hours a night. Each person is different, some are already well rested with 7 hours of sleep, others need 8. The important thing is to learn to maintain good sleep hygiene and adopt healthy habits that allow for good rest. All of this will have an important impact on our day, on our way of facing it and on our productivity. Don’t you think it’s worth it?

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