5 Habits To Be Happier At Work

5 habits to be happier at work

“Choose a job you love and you won’t have to work a single day in your life” . That’s what Confucius said a few centuries ago. Interestingly, this remains a perfectly current phrase. Therefore, I would like to offer some habits that will be useful for you to be more comfortable in your work.

We currently  spend a large number of hours at our work stations,  except in extraordinary cases where people are born or have their lives resolved. But maybe we’re not as well paid as we’d like, or maybe the job could be more fun or interesting. Anyway, if we’re not happy, the ones who will pay for the negative consequences will be us and the people we love.

Habits to be happier at work according to Beth Thomas

Beth Thomas is a writer who considers “we spend too much time at work not to be happy at it.” The author of the book “Powered by Happy: How to Get and Stay Happy at Work” , which in free translation would be “Motivated by happiness: how to stay and stay happy at work”, is a guide to accompany us on this journey.


Thomas believes that while we love our work, there are usually reasons for unhappiness in it as well. Some are as important as stress, which can lead to serious physical and mental problems, or the lack of time to reconcile work and family life.

According to Thomas, being unhappy at work affects us in every way. We lost productivity, but also our sense of humor. And all this prevents us from being happy and joyful in our own life, even outside the professional sphere. That’s why the author offers us a series of habits to minimize the negative impact of our work.

think about the present

Humans are experts at worrying about future situations, following the famous motto that “prevention is better than cure” . The curious thing is that these situations do not always happen. So,  while it is important to have emergency plans, we must not allow future scenarios to become a heavy load of stress.

For Thomas, it is important to deal with negative thoughts by separating fiction from reality. Therefore, it is better to analyze the different situations and assess as realistically as possible the possibilities of their becoming a reality. If we prepare ourselves for all those misfortunes, probable and remote, that can occur, we will literally run out of time for anything else.

think positive

Another important habit that will help you be happier at work is positive thinking. It turns your negative attacks into nicer ones.  As you practice this habit, you will notice how this process becomes automatic, becoming one of the most powerful protectors of your mood. 


be generous

Another piece of advice that Beth Thomas gives us is related to generosity. If you are involved in philanthropic activities in your professional sphere, you will feel much better about yourself. Don’t be a lonely person and help your fellows. Remember that at work, teams work better than people working individually.

In this regard, Thomas recommends creating help systems in which veteran employees can advise newcomers. In this way, it is possible to create strong bonds. It is also  positive that all together carry out philanthropic activities, such as collaborations with NGOs.


A problem faced mainly by the self-employed, business people, entrepreneurs and directors is their lack of ability to disconnect. High responsibilities make it impossible for them to stop thinking about work. This creates a great deal of stress. That’s why Thomas recommends resting. Both the body and the mind need a time of rest to recharge their energies.

thanks diary

One of the most unique habits Beth Thomas recommends is keeping a thank-you journal. In it, we will write sentences at some point during the day to thank others for what they contribute.

We all have bad days, when it seems like the world is doing everything to upset us, but even on those days, we are certainly able to identify someone who is helping us.

We hope that you put these habits into practice, because according to their author, they will make you happier in your work.  Remember, not everything in the world revolves around advancing a business, delivering every order, or getting every customer satisfied. These goals should be an extra part of your life, but never all of it: otherwise, you will become a very emotionally unstable person.

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