5 Beautiful Filipino Proverbs

5 beautiful Filipino proverbs

Filipino proverbs are the result of an enormous multiculturalism. Remember that in the Philippines there are more than 80 communities, each with its own dialect and culture. Therefore, a very rich national culture emerged, in which there are also common elements.

The Philippines received influences from societies as different as the Spanish, Chinese, American and Malay. In this way, the diversity of local cultures was added to a multicolored impact from other latitudes. Philippine proverbs end up reflecting these influences.

The family and the woman as the center of everything are two of the great values ​​in Filipino society. It is a common element in most subcultures. It is also an environment where respect for traditions and kindness has a preferential place. These are the five Filipino proverbs that bring us closer to this culture:

1. One of the Filipino proverbs about adaptation

One of the oldest Filipino proverbs goes like this: “When the sheet is short, learn to curl up.” It means that we must adapt to circumstances, as they do not adapt to us.

It’s a beautiful message, since one of the great virtues in life is the ability to adapt, as nothing is made especially for our measure. It is always necessary for us to put in a little effort to accommodate ourselves to this reality.

Flowers growing beside stone

2. Much ado about nothing

Many Filipino proverbs, and also from other parts of the world, insist on the idea that quacks always seek greater visibility. True wisdom is more discreet, and doesn’t show off to be noticed.

This is precisely the subject to which this beautiful Filipino proverb refers: “The tin that contains nothing is noisy”. It means that, often, what attracts attention or becomes more visible is not what is most valuable. Essences are silent, while appearances are noisy. It is an incentive not to let ourselves be fooled by the “mermaids’ song”.

3. Many paths lead us to the same place

Although our society is obsessed with speed, sometimes there are processes that take time. It is not possible to reduce their duration, as each reality has its own dynamics. There are times when we despair a little, wanting everything to happen soon. We forget that everything happens, in one way or another, at the exact moment.

maze-shaped forest

One of the Filipino proverbs reminds us of this. He says thus: “No matter how long the procession, it will end at the church.” It means that sometimes the paths are long, but if they are directed to a specific place, they will take us there. Basically, this is an invitation to perseverance.

4. Trees that bear fruit

This beautiful Filipino proverb is a magnificent metaphor of great depth. It says: “The tree that bears fruit is often mistreated” . It’s very similar to a Western proverb that says: “They only throw stones at the tree that bears fruit.” The meaning is basically the same.

This statement means that people or realities that truly bring something are often the object of criticism or aggression. Anyone who takes the initiative or proposes something new receives a question as their first answer. It also means that those who are the most productive are also the most in demand.

5. The bitter husks

Abundance and lack generate very revealing reactions in people. Interestingly, when there is abundance, we become more demanding and difficult to please. On the contrary, when what matters is the need, we place more value on simple things.

elderly person's hands

This is precisely what reminds us of one of the Filipino proverbs. He says the following: “There are no bitter husks for a hungry person”. In conditions of necessity, in this case of “hunger” in its symbolic sense, there is no criticism for what satisfies. It is, finally, a lesson in humility and simplicity.

All these Filipino proverbs show us that the different popular cultures of the world have a kind of consensus regarding the most important values. As much as they are very different societies, we clearly see how close they are, in ethical terms, to ours.

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