3 Errors That Block Consciousness According To Buddhism

3 errors that block consciousness according to Buddhism

The errors that block awareness have to do with the Western tendency to interrupt processes. We have the idea that we can take control of everything and, in fact, that’s not how it is. Each process exists because it must exist, it takes as long as it needs to take. It starts and ends in its own time.

For Buddhists, this urge to interfere in everything to change reality causes different errors that block consciousness.

This happens when we deny what happens to us or when we act erratically to resolve something that plagues us. This, instead of bringing us closer to a solution, becomes an obstacle to finding it.

Consciousness, for Easterners, is the ability to see, feel and understand the present moment. It is a lucidity that only emerges when we balance our emotions and intelligently manage our desires.

Life is not tailor-made for us, we are the ones who must learn to flow with it. To be able to do this, it is important to identify the errors that block awareness. Next, we will mention which ones they are.

Major Mistakes That Block Consciousness

1. Obsessively search

The very concept of seeking means giving up the idea that something is complete in itself. Search represents a tension between the desire to find something and not knowing where it is.

There is a certain anguish in any search. However, when she becomes obsessive, she starts to become one of the errors that block awareness.

We speak of looking for a truth, an answer or an experience. Often this happens because it is based on the idea that, when we find what we are looking for, something will change radically. That’s never how it happens. Despite this, some people put all their expectations into finding “something”.

The present has everything we need. This is what Buddhism teaches us. Here is everything we deserve, what we can understand and what we can assimilate.

Everything we don’t have, don’t know, or don’t experience in the here and now isn’t there because it should be. Obsessive searches only confuse us more.

Mistakes that block consciousness

2. Force change

Certain changes happen when the conditions exist for them to happen, and this happens naturally. It’s something that flows on its own when we’re ready for it to happen. Therefore, forcing certain changes is meaningless.

Buddhists propose that we work to become more aware of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors, without judgment. Declaring war on ourselves is one of those mistakes that block consciousness.

As we go deeper into who we are, what we think and what we feel, the negative aspects begin to lose strength of their own accord.

We don’t need to punish ourselves or turn against ourselves to change. If we don’t change some aspect that we find inconvenient, it’s because we still don’t fully understand it. When we understand it, it starts to dissolve.

3. The prison of duty to be

The ‘ought to be’ is not something that imposes itself against itself. There are many “shoulds” that come from outside and that we often adopt automatically.

This gives rise to cycles in which the person is not able to adjust to these orders, but also not able to renounce them. The consequence of this is a constant feeling of guilt. Feeling “missing” permanently.

Meditate to free consciousness

A duty that is not undertaken with enthusiasm and full conviction is only a means of harming ourselves. This takes us away from our essence and only fulfills the role of satisfying others and avoiding facing the fear of disobeying their designs.

It is an alienating and turbulent situation. On the one hand, it prevents us from discovering who we really are. On the other hand, it leads us to a continual internal conflict.

The ‘should be’ is also something that flows naturally. We set limits or restrictions on ourselves because we know that by giving up certain things we can achieve a higher good. Therefore, we do it with conviction and joy, not oppression and sadness.

All errors that block consciousness are related to this tendency to resist reality and try to force some process. All of this is born from the ego, from this inner drive that induces us to place our self above reality. This prevents us from seeing and understanding, but it also leads to suffering.

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