25 Sentences To Protect Our Emotional Independence

25 phrases to protect our emotional independence

Don’t let your happiness depend on other people. We must learn to have fun alone or with others. Have good self-esteem, love yourself and be the owner of your own life.

Love and dependence are incompatible. When this happens, even if the couple’s relationship continues, love weakens.

We have to change the need for preference, which is much healthier.

We can love and even adore our partner, but at the same time maintain high self-esteem and cultivate personal growth and development.

It’s hard to understand, but don’t confuse love with passion. In love there is no anguish or total surrender, submission or sacrifice.


Love is not obsessive. Love is reason, it is moderate, it is desire, friendship, care and balance. In love there is no fear, so the change is worth it. Here we present 25 sentences that show the importance of protecting our emotional independence.

1- There is not enough love capable of filling the emptiness of a person who does not love himself.

2- I don’t need you, I chose you. (Walter Laughter)

3- If you are not able to love me as I deserve, there must be someone who is able to love me as I am.

4- I love you because I want to, because I chose you and I like to be by your side; not because you are indispensable to my happiness. (Walter Laughter)

5- Don’t be a slave to your emotional past, but live the present with emotion.

6- We were made to believe that each one of us is half an orange, and that life only makes sense when we find the other half. We were not informed that we were born whole and that no one should take responsibility for completing what we lack. (John Lenon)

7- We were made to believe in a formula called “two in one”: two people thinking and acting the same way was what worked. This has a name: nullification. Only individuals with their own personality can have a healthy relationship. (John Lenon)


8- I don’t need to prove anything to anyone but myself.

9- Love is freedom and growth rather than possession and limitation.

10- In order to love someone, love yourself.

11- Let the person you love live freely, this is the greatest proof of love.

12- There is no incompatibility between loving the other and loving yourself.

13- I am aware that we are the ones who invent and reinvent the love we live.

14- You cannot depend on anyone to be happy; no relationship will bring the peace you don’t have within you.

15- Do not depend on anyone in this world, because even your own shadow leaves you in darkness.

16- If you are happy just giving affection, check your self-esteem.

17- When I really loved myself, I realized that I was in the right place, time and time and so I could relax. Today I know it has a name… self-esteem.


18- When I really loved myself, I started to get rid of everything that wasn’t healthy: people, situations and everything that was pushing me down. At first, my reason called this attitude selfishness. Today he calls it self-love.

19- Depending on the person we love is a way of burying ourselves in life, an act of psychological self-mutilation where self-love, self-esteem and its essence are irrationally offered.

20- If you don’t value yourself, you will probably find someone who doesn’t recognize your value.

21- Quit the habit of begging for the approval of others and be your biggest “fan”.

22- Learn that what matters is not what you have, but what counts.

23- Loving yourself is the beginning of an adventure that lasts a lifetime. (Oscar Wilde)

24- Nobody is responsible for the happiness of the other. The choice is yours. You can choose to be a happy, optimistic person or a sad, negative person.

25- Life does not admit representatives. Nobody can learn and grow for you. Nobody can do for you what you need to do for yourself. (Jorge Bucay)

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