13 Signs That You Are Maturing

What does it mean to mature? Is this maturity evident in our actions? In what way? In this article, we’ve talked about 13 signs that you’re maturing.
13 signs that you are maturing

What does it mean to mature on a psychological level? What are the signs that you are maturing? Can maturity be seen in what we do or in our ideas?

As we will see, maturing implies changes in our way of seeing life and our own behavior, in addition to seeing things from another point of view, relativizing, learning… and much more!

The signs that you are maturing

If you want to know if you are maturing, be aware of these points:

1. You learned from your mistakes

One of the signs that you are maturing is that you have learned from your mistakes. We all make mistakes, but not all of us are able to learn from them.

So if you are able to see the past in perspective, understand what led you to act that way (even if you feel you would do it differently now) and understand what you can get out of that situation… this is a sign of maturity.

thoughtful woman

2. You take responsibility for your actions

Responsibility is another sign of maturity. Being responsible involves being aware of the consequences of our actions, anticipating them, and then deciding whether to act one way or another.

3. You go from complaint to liability

Regarding the previous point, another of the signs that you are maturing is that you have moved from constant complaining to being responsible. So you’re not so focused on complaining, but on seeing what you can do with what you have.

In other words: you start taking care of your life (and not so much worrying about it).

4. You are more consistent

Consistency has a lot to do with emotional maturity. Being consistent implies that what we feel, say and do corresponds; that are in tune.

It’s not easy to be consistent and we won’t always make it. We may be mature and have moments of inconsistency, but as we grow, these inconsistencies decrease (self-knowledge and psychological therapy help a lot).

5. You open up emotionally

Growing up also means opening up emotionally to the other. It doesn’t mean not being afraid or reluctant to do it, but being able to do it in spite of it – with all the courage that implies.

As we get older, the importance we give to others diminishes… So it’s easier to open up and take responsibility for these emotions.

6. You feel more secure

Personal confidence is also something you gain over time (and experience), and it’s another sign that you’re maturing. In childhood and adolescence, for example, this security is more difficult to achieve, and we feel more vulnerable in this regard.

But in adulthood, we feel more and more secure, although that doesn’t mean we don’t have “sensitive” moments or when we feel insecure.

7. You don’t care about quantity, but quality

According to Almudena Moreno, PhD in Sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and full professor at the University of Valladolid (UVa), this would be another sign that you are maturing: you give more importance to quality and not so much to quantity.

Moreno says that when we are young we want to “have” everything, but as we grow up we lose this need to accumulate. We focus more on the quality of the things we have.

8. You know more about what you want

According to Almudena Moreno, knowing what we want (or at least more than before) would be another sign of psychological maturity. Our tastes are refined as we grow.

We seek to live by our own beliefs and value systems, and develop a more personal style (by traveling, dressing, socializing, etc.).

9. You commit

With maturity, we become more committed to things, actions, people, relationships… Relationships are established and become more lasting, because we can commit to them.

10. You choose your friends

We’ve also become more selective when it comes to choosing our friendships and relationships in general. Thus, these are constituted by cultural, family, motivational and intellectual affinities, and not so much by festive interests, because they coincide in life (“longtime friends”), etc.

11. You are tougher

Resilience is the ability to adapt to life and change, to face obstacles and come out stronger from difficult experiences. Therefore, as we grow and mature, we also become more resilient.

12. You solve problems more easily

As we grow, we learn and with that we know more – and better – problem solving strategies (of all kinds). As with the previous points, this is also due to experience.

Man thinking

13. You are more creative

Finally, another sign that you are maturing is increased creativity. Psychological maturity favors this and other skills that have been on hiatus for some time (for example, looking for a partner or consolidating in the labor market).

And you, do you feel like you’ve matured? Do you see yourself reflected in any of these points? We all mature in our own way and therefore there is no single way to do this.

The truth is that, in general, as we mature, we see life in a different way : perhaps in a more relative or more tolerant way.

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